2002 Living Christmas Tree
Thomas Road Baptist Church
Our 2002 show was a great success, with 13 performances and nearly 30,000 people in total attendance.
Two LanBox-LCX units were used to control the following:
78 channels of ETC Sensor dimmers for theatrical lighting (thomas pars, source four pars, ellipsoidals, etc.)
26 automated fixtures, including:
13 Martin MAC500 Spots
8 Martin MAC600 Washes
3 High End Cyberlights
3 High End Intellabeams
2 RedLine BeamBox Lasers
(each with red/green lasers and 8 aperatures)
3 LeMaitre Neutron XS Hazers
2 Antari Snow Machines
The entire show was driven by Digital Performer which played back multiple channels of audio including a conductor track for the live orchestra, controlled both LanBox-LCX controllers via MIDI and a 892 channel MidiLite dimmer system for the Christmas Tree itself. The Christmas Tree had over 108,000 lights in a 9x9x6 matrix.
The first LCX controlled the fixed (theatrical) lighting and Snow Machines and used 6 layers, as follows:
X Layer - DMX In from an ETC Insight desk, HTP with everything else
A Layer - MIDI control layer for calling cues
B Layer - MIDI control layer for calling cues
C Layer - MIDI individual control (with 4.7s fading on channels)
M Layer - MIDI control for manual control from PC1600x
Z Layer - Channels 1-78 held at 0 (needed for HTP to work properly)
The 2nd LCX controlled all of the automated equipment and used 10 layers, as follows:
Layers A-G (7 layers) for calling cues. Multiple layers were used for overlapping effects with various moving fixtures.
Layer H - Hazers
Layer I - Intellabeams (their mirrors were used for laser positioning!)
Layer L - Lasers
We also had Motorized Curtain Control (done via the MidiLite system).
The show was often programmed on two separate computers by two operators, working on different aspects of the show. All communication was done via TCP/IP and wireless 802.11b communication on Powerbooks. This made programming very nice, to be able to walk up on stage and do moving light and laser positioning. This also allowed me to control/monitor the system from home via the internet.
Below is a snapshot of the LCedit+ stage used for programming the show.
We are the developer/manufacturer for the MidiLite system and also a distributor for the LanBox products in the U.S.
Jon Daggett
Castle Studios Productions / MidiLite Systems
1018 Greenbrook Ct.
Forest, VA 24551
voice/fax: (434) 525-6894
e-mail: info@midilite.com
web: midilite.com