MLcontrol Mobi
Wireless Remote Control for the MidiLite SystemBuy using Visa or Mastercard with our secure payment system.
Great for set-up, testing and bulb checks! Control your MidiLite system from anywhere in your facility from your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad!

• iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad running v3.2 or higher software.
• Mac running either Mobi Bridge (included) or MLcontrol,
that is connected to your network.
• WiFi network for communication with the iPhone or iPod Touch.
• Works with MidiLite, MidiLite II and MLsim.

Mobi BridgeUse Mobi Bridge running on a Mac which is attached to your MidiLite system, or if you already have a MLcontrol Touch Screen controller, update to version 2.0.2 and it can act as the bridge.

An Enable button on Mobi Bridge (or MLcontrol) allows you to disable remote control during performances.

Up to 4 iPhones (or iPod touch) can access the system simultaneously.

Purchase for the iPhone or iPod touch on the App Store! Now available on the App Store - $99.99

Mobi Bridge
Main Screen - configured for dual 11 row trees
Mobi Bridge
Settings Screen